UP- Doyle Marshall 1-5 ~ Nina Tobias Marshall 1-5

~ Dawne Marshall Cooley 1-6 ~

~ James Ellsworth Cooley 1-7 ~ Kevin Lee Cooley 2-7 ~

Dawne, the eldest a daughter of Doyal and Nina (Tobias) Marshall. Dawne was born on April 19, 1932 at the Pennock Hospital in Hastings, Michigan.

Dawne, while toddler lived at Lake Odessa, MI, then in 1936 moved to 402 S. Mulberry, Marshall, MI then to the country.

Dawne married JACK LEE COOLEY 1-6 on August 19, 1950. Dawne and Jack had two children, James Ellsworth and Kevin Lee.

Dawne and Jack moved to Oregon, currently they live in Bend, Oregon.

Scroll Down for photos

We moved to California late Fall of 1960. Jack and I went to Bellevue, Michigan after his father died to help his mother with an auction, etc. in the Spring of 1976. Came back to California in December, 1976. We lived there until December, 1987. We lived in Tumal (Bend), Oregon for about ten years, then moved to a more rural area in the Fall of 1997.

We have a ranch styled home with five acres. At the time we moved here we had a full-blooded wolf. She had about half an acre of chain link fenced area for a run. She was a great experience. If you know what you’re doing there is no problem with them. You need to learn from the wolf by adopting dominance ‘the wolf way’ rather than treating them rough.

If she got away from you, there was no need to run after her, she’d think she was head of the pack and you were just following her lead. I would keep tidbits of cheese in my pocket, call her back (whistle to her) and she’d get a cheese bit. If I took her to the canyon she’d get way out of sight but she’d come back for the cheese and run off again. Then after awhile I’d hook her to the leash while she was eating the cheese. She could jump up into the air and catch a quail when they took off out of the bush. She died at the age of about eleven.


Dawn at 2 1/2 years old in Marshall, Michigan


Dawn with her mother Nina.


Dawn's first plane ride. Dawn was taken for a
joy ride with her Uncle Earl Marshall and wife
Bernece Marshall

Dawn Marshall's extended family photo.

Top row - Left to Right

Dawn's husband Jerry Codny holding
daugher Debby.
Dawn's sister Eunice
Jerry's wife Ruth
Garth Dennis Marshall
Doyal B Marshall (Large Man) - Dawn's father)

Bottom row - Left to Right

Becky Cody
Dennis Marshall
Nina ??
Garth's Mom-in-law

Dawn writing caption: Foreground, Marvel talking to me across the table. Jeanne parks (Sophia’s daughter) had a bag of photos she was passing out, old graduation pictures, etc. As I mentioned, Russell Parks was an orphan or something and took the name of the man who raised him. There was no birth certificate so during the war he couldn’t get work. When he lived with us he was single as was your Dad (Earl Marshall). Those two guys played with my little mind and told me my name was Dawne Marie Marshall, Michigan. And that’s what I told my kindergarten teacher. She said, no that’s where you live and I said and my name is the same.

Dawn writing caption: Foreground, the back of Marvel’s head, she is talking to Jeanne Parks and I’m across the table looking at the some photos.
Dawn writing caption: Foreground, Uncle Dell Hartwell is talking to Maxine Bailey, Garth’s daughter, Nina, talking to me, Dawne Marie Marshall Cooley. Nina is Nina Mae, named for her two grandmothers. My mother’s name was pronounced as spelled, Nina is Neena which in Spanish is little girl. Maxine was born with birthmarks which none of us ever really noticed but she tells she had a temper when she was a child because of the kids teasing her. She is pleasant to be around you would never believe she ever had a temper.
Dawn writing caption: Maxine’s sister, Joyce Bailey Shafer. She is very different and you never know what she is going to say and she’s very funny in her own way. You can see the girl sitting next to her is doubled over laughing. I think it is Eunice’s daughter, Janette, sitting third down.
Dawn writing caption: Joyce to the left, then to the right front is Joyce’s husband, Bill. He’s a little slow and says very little. Jeanne’s daughter, Jeanne talking to Aunt Marvel, Uncle Dell’s hat hardly shows, but he’s there, and the foster son Marvel and Dell had, actually they had the entire family as Dorothy needed overseeing so to speak, and so she and her four boys lived in a trailer in Marvel’s yard. One of Dorothy’s boys, Rick, stayed on and lived with Marvel and Dell (and it seems he was afraid to be our on his own).
Dawn writing caption: Left side of photo is Eunice Ann Marshall Coday and her daughter, Janette, then Nina, (Garth’s daughter), and Jeanne.
Dawn writing caption: Left side of table, Garth’s wife, Ruth – Janette, Eunice, Bud (Maxine’s husband) and two children, I don’t recall who they were. Right side of table, My brother Garth Dennis Marshall, his daughter Nina, Maxine Bailey and someone in red coast. My brother, Garth, died July 20, 2006 of Mesothelioma. He worked for the Grand Trunk railroad and was exposed to asbestos, something to do with the furnaces.
Dawn writing caption: L to R, Maxine, Nina, Ruth (Garth’s wife), Janette (Eunice’s daughter) and Maxine’s husband Bud. Ruth had throat cancer many years ago from smoking as I understand it. She has survived for about fourteen years now. Garth wasn’t really aware of his prognosis and didn’t realize there was no hope for him. He felt Ruth had survived so he probably had a good chance. She didn’t tlell him he was dying. Finally towards the end his youngest daughter, Stephanie, told him. He was so miserable, couldn’t sit up straight and was so uncomfortable. So when he asked Stephanie if he was dying, she told him. He just relaxed and passed away shortly afterwards.
Dawn writing caption: Marvel’s foster child, Rick and his girlfriend. Ater he moved into his own apartment she thought they would get married. He was even more afraid of supporting a wife. So she left their relationship. He was so great to Marvel and Dell, looked after them and all. But when his oldest daughter, Debbie, moved in with her folks. They didn’t get along with Rick.
Dawn writing caption: I've always had Shih Tzus before and now have two that are returned show doys. jack wanted Shih Tzus again. They are all hair and trouble, Oh, well.

If you have information that you would like added to the Marshall Family Tree please contact:
Marvin E. Marshall
